Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Outsiders Book or Movie

I think i would have to say that the book is better than the movie. In the book you are able to get into the character's head but in the movie it's mostly actions.
The book gives more details which helps us have clear view of what is going on whereas in the movie some things are harder to understand. One example is the relationship Ponyboy had with Sodapop. If i hadn't read the book i don't think i would have caught on how much ponyboy looks up to Sodapop. Also in the book Ponyboy looks up to Darry but that doesn't come across very strongly in the film. Some relationships in the book are completely left out in the film like the connection between Bob and Johnny and the difference that each of their parents treat them.
However because the movie is visual we understand certain things faster than we do in the book. For example we don't realize, in the book, that he's actually writing an English essay until we get to the end whereas in the movie we can actually see him writing it at the beginning of the story.
In the book the writer tells us a lot more about the background to their lives with the Socs and Greasers. The scene in the movie theater comes well into the book whereas in the movie it comes right at the beginning which shows how much is left out.

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