Thursday, March 5, 2009

Asian Religion

Muslims gather under the carved wood windows of Jama Masjid, Srinagar's largest mosque. They have come to prayer here since the 14th century. It was built by Sultan Sikandar in 1400 AD. The Jama Masjid has beautiful Indo-Saracenic architecture, courtyard, and 370 wooden pillars. Muslims gather every Friday to offer their prayers.

The room is large and has a very high ceiling. There are columns all around and it’s quite dark with shafts of light streaming in through some narrow high windows. From the angle of the beams it looks like it’s early morning. A couple of people are actually sitting in the sun beams and it looks as if they are being illuminated by God. A large carpet covers the floor to protect their knees and faces when they pray. It feels very peaceful and calm.